
Hello and welcome to Diana’s new website.

Diana’s web­site has been giv­en a thor­ough makeover and a change of loc­a­tion. The new site has a sim­il­ar struc­ture to the last one but it’s been redesigned and stream­lined even more for ease of use.

Here you’ll find all the inform­a­tion you want to know about Diana and her career. There are also film clips, photo gal­ler­ies and inter­views with her about her work.

More mater­i­al will be added to the site on a reg­u­lar basis so do check back. (Better still — click on the RSS but­ton at the bot­tom of this page and be auto­mat­ic­ally kept up to date).

Hope you enjoy your vis­it. Feedback and ques­tions are wel­come — just use the com­ment sec­tion on each page.
