Recent Film

Diana Kent showreel


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Recent Film

The Last Letter From Your Lover 2020

An adapt­a­tion of JoJo Moyes romantic nov­el in which an ambi­tious journ­al­ist (Felicity Jones) uncov­ers the story of two doomed lov­ers in the 1960s. Diana played the present day incarn­a­tion of the prot­ag­on­ist, Jennifer, (Shailene Woodley).

The Voice of Sin 2020

A Japanese journ­al­ist played by Takeshi Shiota, who also co-wrote the script, is try­ing to unravel the fate of a miss­ing per­son. Diana plays an aca­dem­ic who assists him in his quest.

Recent television

Belgravia 2020

A new his­tor­ic­al drama series, writ­ten and pro­duced by Juli­an Fellowes star­ted on ITV on the 15th of March. Diana played the for­mid­able Duchess of Richmond in the sea­son’s premiere epis­ode.

Mother Father Son 2019

Diana played Charlotte, moth­er of Kathryn (Helen McRory) who is mar­ried to press bar­on Max (Richard Gere)  in this BBC drama series, dir­ec­ted by James Kent, about a dys­func­tion­al fam­ily and the power of the media

Recent Theatre


Tomcat by James Rushbrooke

Directed by Kate Hewitt. Produced by PapaTango Theatre Co.

Cast includes: Brian Doherty, Eleanor Worthington-Cox, Edward Harrison, Susan Stanley

Set in a dysto­pi­an near future where pro­cre­ation is strictly con­trolled to breed out ill­nesses and genet­ic defects, a young girl iden­ti­fied as a psy­cho­path is being stud­ied in a labor­at­ory.

Diana plays a sym­path­et­ic sci­ent­ist who believes that the girl can be nor­m­al­ised if she is treated as a human being but she is about to lose con­trol of the ‘exper­i­ment’ to an ambi­tious and ruth­less young­er col­league.


Long Day’s Journey into Night by Eugene O’Neil

Directed by Tony Cownie. Produced by The Royal Lyceum Theatre, Edinburgh. Opened January, 2014.

Cast included: Paul Shelley, Adam Best, Nicola Roy, Timothy Evers

Classic American drama about a dys­func­tion­al fam­ily in  free-fall dur­ing one emo­tion­ally gruelling day. Diana played the demand­ing role of Mary Tyrone, the fam­ily mat­ri­arch suf­fer­ing a slow men­tal dis­in­teg­ra­tion through her morphine addic­tion .

Reviewers say:
“Diana Kent’s play­ing of Mary, nervously fra­gile, fall­ing vis­ibly into the lonely par­al­lel world of her addic­tion, is espe­cially mov­ing” The Daily Telegraph,

“Diana Kent gives a haunt­ing per­form­ance . . .” The Times

“Kent makes Mary seem so fra­gile . . . she appears to be almost blown around the stage. A sober­ing por­tray­al of addic­tion.” British Theatre Guide

