Hello and welcome to Diana’s new website.

Diana’s web­site has been giv­en a thor­ough makeover and a change of loc­a­tion. The new site has a sim­il­ar struc­ture to the last one but it’s been redesigned and stream­lined even more for ease of use.

Here you’ll find all the inform­a­tion you want to know about Diana and her career. There are also film clips, photo gal­ler­ies and inter­views with her about her work.

More mater­i­al will be added to the site on a reg­u­lar basis so do check back. (Better still — click on the RSS but­ton at the bot­tom of this page and be auto­mat­ic­ally kept up to date).

Hope you enjoy your vis­it. Feedback and ques­tions are wel­come — just use the com­ment sec­tion on each page.


7 Responses to Welcome

  • Phil G says:

    Hi Diana,

    I have just watched “Undeniable” and wanted to con­grat­u­late you on the beach/estuary scene.

    Your act­ing in that scene was just sub­lime........ I won­der how you can be so nat­ur­ally “affected” by his­tor­ic­al events in a fic­ti­tious piece. Maybe only a “cameo” appear­ance but just bril­liant act­ing and a scene/part II steal­er.

    Thank you.



  • Paolo De Martino says:

    Hi Diana!
    It’s a nice web­site!
    Dedicated to a tal­en­ted and clev­er act­ress!
    Pretty woman too!
    Seen you in Poirot! And it would also bee inter­est­ing to see all your oth­er roles in films!
    Saying hello from Paolo

  • Paolo De Martino says:

    Thank you Diana! For your nice reply!
    I find it inter­est­ing that vari­ous of your films are based on true stor­ies!
    Apart from your extens­ive filmography,I find your inter­pret­a­tions very real­ist­ic!
    Like in Morlang!
    Thanks again!

  • Milena says:

    Dear Diana, I can­’t find any­thing about a doc­u­ment­ary film where you play the role of St. Helen look­ing for the cross of Jesus. Please help me find him.

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