Diana was born in South Africa of English parents. Growing up she loved physical pursuits, such as swimming and gymnastics, and was passionate about animals. She was also an avid reader; devouring anything and everything from modern novels to Shakespeare. Gymnast or vet might both have been possible careers but Diana hadn’t yet found one that truly captured her imagination.
When Diana completed school, she came to London where she worked as a trainee designer for a soft furnishings company before realising it was not a path she wanted to pursue.
However the experience helped to give her a much needed focus and direction and soon afterwards Diana enrolled on a training course as a professional actor.
Starting a new career in an already overcrowded and highly competitive profession was definitely a challenge but she persevered and with hard work, and some lucky breaks, started to gain recognition for her talent.
Since then Diana has gone on to appear in many roles on the stage, on television, and on film; playing in everything from classical theatre to tv sitcoms. She has also been fortunate to work with some very talented people in the course of her career.
She is still passionate about animals too . . .

Diana in 1978

Hi Diana,
I was wondering if you knew where was it in the UK that you filmed the Poirot episode of “The Mystery of Hunter’s Lodge?”
Dan Bergeron, Denver Colorado USA
Hi Dan,
The exteriors were filmed on moorland outside Sheffield. It was snowing and so cold that the cameras froze up and we had to stop filming.
Can’t remember where the interiors were shot, I’m afraid, it was a long time ago
Greatly enjoyed your modest (in time) but significant (in impact) contribution to Whitechapel. Sublime nonsense but done with integrity and wit!! Should see more of you on TV
Glad you enjoyed it, Peter.Thanks for letting me know.
Fantastic gripping performance in ‘A Long Days Journey into Night’ at the Edinburgh Lyceum. As a Vet Anaesthetist I always wondered how Morphine affects the mind. It is well named after the god of dreams!
Thanks, Bryony. I did some research into morphine addiction but, from what I could find out, it affects people very differently. In the end I used my intuition about the character.
Hi Diana
I found your appearance in Band of Brothers quite significant.
I am adapting a book I wrote about a WWII RAF Squadron at the moment into a mini-series.
Hearing such a great English accent within the mayhem of the 501st really hit home.
I am also acting as technical consultant on another WWII themed film, so please drop me a line.
Kind regards
Thanks for the compliment, Ian. It was a tricky scene to do because the producers decided they wanted the accent changed in post-synch.
Ms. Kent: I just wanted to say that you are such a beautiful lady. When I saw that you like animals I knew that you are a good person.
—an old cowboy and admirer
Dear Sage,
Thank you kindly. Yes, it’s true I still like and respect animals (sometimes more than people, just between you and me)
I have just finished watching ‘Undeniable’ which I really enjoyed. Your screen daughter Emma looked so much like you that I thought maybe you and Christine Bottomley might be mum and daughter in real life? The resemblance was uncanny — great casting!
Best regards
Pleased that you enjoyed it. I’m definitely not related so I guess the credit must go to the casting director. Thanks, Diana
Ditto above. Your screen daughter MUST be your real daughter, surely? Great prog, by the way.
Nope — not at all related but I’m glad you liked it anyway.
regards, Diana
I just watched the episode of Goodnight Sweetheart where you played the character Jayne Mansfield.
I love the part where you whisper to Gary Sparrow that you are wearing stockings! Now I can’t remove this fantasy out of my mind of you wearing these stockings.
Thanks for making a middle-aged man happy!
I saw you in “The Missing”, and recognised you — I’m sure you were in “The Villagers” a million years ago. You were as fab then, as you are now.
Hi there
I am amazed you recognised me! Yes, the Villagers, a lifetime ago. But a fun time. Hope you enjoyed The Missing. Thank you so much for your message.
Just saw ur ‘Midsummer Murders’ here in NY.a few days ago...congratulations..you were .excellent..Do u ever go back to South Africa...I was on vacation last year in Capetown and did a couple of days ‘Background’ on ‘Black sales’. unfortunatly,I’m.back in freezing NY now ..Smile...John Farrer on IMDB..
Nice to hear from you John.I have just been back in Capetown for a week. Gorgeous weather. I hope New York is not still freezing! Glad you enjoyed Midsomer Murders .best wishes Diana
time to see Diana Kent in a soap, best wishes
Hi Joe
Yes that would be good!! Thanks for your message.
Heavenly Creatures , every one in that film was out standing a masterpiece what are your thoughts (honestly) on making it , for years every few months this film pops into my head
Hi Michael,
It was a difficult decision to do ‘Heavenly Creatures’ because Stephen Daldry wanted me to stay in ‘An Inspector Calls’ which was due to transfer from the National Theatre to Broadway. But the script was very good and ultimately I’m glad I did it.
Hi Diana,
I loved your work in the Jesus Code as Helena, mother of Constantine. What a remarkable lady. Thank you for bringing her character, her Christian faith and her world so long ago to life.
Kind regards,
Mark Bingham
Sydney, Australia
P.S. Just noticed the series is called Finding Jesus: Faith, Fact, Forgery. However, “Jesus Code” was refered to on my screen as continuing with the next episode about Mary Magnalene. Mark
Hi Mark,
Thanks for the compliment. I think Helena should be better known. It was a remarkable feat, travelling two years to fulfil her quest.
We filmed in Morocco in a place where they were simultaneously filming several other biblical epics — disconcerting to find a collection of Jesus’s all in the hotel swimming pool at the same time!
You look very alike to Kate Winslet! When I watched Heavenly Creatures I really thought the casting of Juliet and Hilda was excellent. Great lookalikes.
Dear Diane,
Saw you in “Goodnight Sweetheart” thought you looked terrific!
Thank you, Robert
you don’t do enough T.v. .love your dark hair and beautiful dark eyes and your a wonderful actoress
Thank you, Brian
Just seen you in an old Bergerac Diana.
You dont age! Whats your secre ?
If only that was true! LOL
just watched you in the missing. i thought your performance was incredible, underplayed to perfection, specific
and suggestive of the terrible secret later conveyed whilst never giving it away. your performance stole the show for me. tricky, murky, duplicitous... loved it
Thanks for the compliment, Aaron. Glad you liked it
Hi Diana. Was enjoying your performance too in an episode of ‘Goodnight Sweetheart’. Some of your earlier photo’s
Remind me of Mila Kunis. I hope you take that for the compliment that it is intended.
Kind regards, David.
Diana, Just getting Midsomer Murders in the US via Netflix. Thought you were outstanding in the Fisher King. I know 2004 was a while ago, but that is what is great about cinema, it lives on. I will look for more of your work. Best wishes.
Well ‘Lady Rose’ I have now checked out all your work and think what a fine actress you are, from an armchair critic.
Hi Lady Rose, just spotted what a fine actress you are in Father Brown and in all your other acting roles — from an armchair critic who may have called you Miss Rose in an earlier comment.
Hi Diana. I hope this finds you well. Just watched you in episode 7 of father Brown, one of my favourite dramas.
I would very much like to know more about you, perhaps dinner with a young man??
Just saw you in Goodnight Sweetheart and you played a great seductress auctioneer! How on earth could Gary refuse your charms rgds Fergal
Have recently discovered the superb ‘Goodnight Sweetheart’ series,never watched them in their day,well written and acted sitcom,heads above many others,very funny and enjoyable episode when Gary rents the shop from the estate agents,regards,Blake,Cheshire.
To everyone who has left comments recently:
2017 was a difficult year for me and my family, so I apologise for not responding personally but thank you for getting in touch. This year has been better. I am taking life and work a little easier and getting more from both.
very best wishes, Diana
Hello Diana,
I saw you on the TV program Poirot, ‘Mystery at Hunter’s Lodge’.
I really love this épisode, you’re so Beautiful.
Jullian, from France
Merci, Jullian
Hi, Diana,
Just saw Poirot the episode of “The Mystery of Hunter’s Lodge” again. What a wonderful appearing!
Admirer from China
Thank you, Haolin. I didn’t know they showed Poirot in China!
Beautiful participation in Band of Brothers,
deep and delicate at the same time.
Thank you, Joao.
Hi Diana. Just having a re-run of Goodnight Sweetheart and have just got to Series 3 where you make an appearance as Jayne Mansfield. You are quite simply stunningly beautiful. Kind regards.
You’re very kind, Garry. Thanks
Saw you on midsummer..beautiful lady
Thank you, Walt
Hi just saw you as lady rose in father brown. Wonderful acting.
Thanks, John,
You’re a fantastic actress, seen you in so many wonderful productions- are you related to the director Jonathan Kent?
Thank you for the compliment, Claudia. No, no relation to Jonathan Kent but I do admire his work.
Best wishes,
Hi Diana — I was 7 when TV first came to SA and one of the most memorable TV series was The Villagers. Did you play the part of Wendy McRae? (I sort of had a crush on you back then!!)
Kindest regards
Hi Clynton,
Yes, that was me, Wendy in the Villagers all those years ago.
Hello to your 7 year old self — well remembered!
Best wishes
No wonder Ron fell off his ladder
Which episode of Band of Brothers did you appear in?
Hope to hear from you
Hi Dave, it’s all there in the TV section if you look,
Dear Diana,
I only want to say that I have never heard of someone in the public eye replying to strangers in this way. Perhaps I should get out more. I appreciate your doing this. It´s a nice gesture. Praise.
That’s very sweet of you, Bob. It’s nice to hear from people and I usually try to reply if I can.
Hi Diana, just watched Belgravia and was struck by the quiet class and beautiful enunciation and empathy of your participation. Feeling I knew the face I looked for you on credits as Duchess of Richmond — lo and behold, I didn’t know you.
But I shall certainly look out for you in future, both in past productions and those still to come. Do you get a heads-up when re-showings ( is there such a word?) are due?
Congratulations on a successful career
Hi Francesca,
Thank you for your kind words. They don’t usually tell us when they repeat tv shows but sometimes my friends let me know when they see me in something. The ones that seem to be most repeated are Poirot and Midsomer Murders.
Very best, Diana
I saw you tonight on Father Brown. I wasn’t familiar with you here in the US. Just wanted to say you were great in that episode. What a timeless beauty you are.
Thank you, Mike.
Hi Diana,just seen you in an old Bergerac.You played a strange ol character in it,where you believed you was a witch from a previous life.i enjoyed your Performance.What was John nettles like to work with ? Regards Jason Mee
Hi Jason,
Glad you enjoyed it. John Nettles is a very nice man. I worked with him again in 2004 on ‘Midsomer Murders’ and he remembered the Bergerac episode perfectly even though it had been many years — impressive because he was in a lot of them!
Just saw you in Goodnight Sweetheart on Forces TV Diana great acting so sexy
Thanks, Kevin. Hope you’re keeping safe.
Good afternoon Diana and a very Happy Easter,
I hope you are making the most of the lockdown and staying safe. I have to add that i just saw you in Goodnight Sweetheart and must admit i thought it was an amusing episode and i think that you more than lived up to the characters namesake.
Enjoy this sunny day and please stay safe.
Happy Easter to you too, Tyrone
Enjoy the weather and stay healthy!
Just watched your brief appearance in Band of Brothers. You may have only been on camera a couple of minutes, but you totally illuminated the scene you were in.
Hi Nic,
Yes, a brief but memorable experience for me. Glad you enjoyed it.
I remember you from The Villagers, way back in the 70’s. Still as beautiful as ever!
Hi Mike,
Gosh, that was a long time ago but thank you.
I have just watched The Last Letter from Your Lover. You are so beautiful. Trying to find how old are you. Of course I don’t ask you. Actually it doesn’t matter. Your beauty is eternal.
Hi Radovan,
Of course, you know a lady never reveals her age!
Thank you for your kind words though.
Eternally, Diana
Hi Diana, I have just watched Last Letter from your Lover. That last scene was beautifully acted and I cried. I hope you keep on working and don’t retire. Thank you.
Hi Doreen,
Pleased to hear you were moved by the film. It’s a beautiful story and I was glad to be part of it.
The good thing about being an actor is stories encompass all ages — so I won’t be retiring just yet.
Very best, Diana
Hi Diana. I have just seen you in an Episode of Heatbeat. My husband immediately said you had played Wendy Mc Rae in the Villagers in South Africa. Could he be correct.
Gail Browne
Surrey UK.
Hi Gail,
Your husband must have amazing recall. Yes, that was me in ‘The Villagers’. It’s hard to imagine nowadays with so many different channels to watch, that we opened South African tv with that series — and there was just the one channel !!!
All the best, Diana
Are you related to Amanda Tapping at all? You gals could be twins! Just saw you in Midsomer Murders, and the resemblance is uncanny! You were wonderful in the show as well!
Hi Paul,
Glad you enjoyed ‘Midsomer Murders’. No, no relation to Amanda, I’m afraid.
Dear Ms Kent,
I am writing to express my admiration for your amazing portrayal in Poirot’s episode Hunter’s Lodge. I was captivated by your performance and how you brought your character to life.
I have been a fan of Poirot since I was a kid, watching the dubbed version on Iranian state TV twenty something years ago. I still enjoy watching one episode per night, and tonight it was Hunter’s Lodge. I loved how you played the only woman in the plot, who turned out to be a criminal (I know Agatha Christie’s methods too!). I have studied English literature and I share your passion for reading. I think it’s wonderful that you still maintain a blog instead of using social media. You have such a unique voice and perspective that I always look forward to reading your posts. I hope that someday I will have the opportunity to meet you in person, either in Iran or in England.
Thank you for taking the time to read my letter. It would mean so much to me if you could send me an autograph or a reply. You are an inspiration to me and many others who appreciate your work.
Best regards,
Mahyar Ebrahimi,
Bandar Abbas, Iran.
Dear Mahyar,
Thank you so much for complimentary letter. It is quite a long time since I recorded ‘Hunter’s Lodge’ but it seems to get shown quite often and it’s nice to be part of something that still gives enjoyment to people.
I don’t read as much these days as I used to but I enjoy listening to the occasional audiobook. My taste is more for biographies than crime fiction though!
Nice to hear from you,
Very best wishes,
Dear Diana,
I just wanted to express how much I enjoyed your character as Mrs. Lamb in Band of Brothers. As a dual citizen and former UK resident, I would likely have seen you in more recent productions.
However, you will remain in my heart as the lovely, hard-working and oh-so-sexy British milf of my dreams...
I hope you are well.
My Best Wishes,
Goodness ! Slightly obsessed with the last few minutes when you and “Boot” meet .
Oh my days ....sitting just now, rewinding and rewinding and actually going through the same thing ( albeit ever so slightly different)
Your eyes..... my heart aches.
Dear Diana, I’m currently binging on Midsomer Murders and just finished “The Fisher King”, which reminded me of what a treasure you are. I’ve enjoyed so many of your performances through the years, and look forward to many more.
Yours truly, Bill.
Thank you, Bill
The episode of ‘Midsomer Murders’ I was in seems to have been seen by more people than anything else I’ve done! Glad you enjoyed it,
Very best
Hi Diana, I was watching an episode of Goodnight Sweetheart the BBC comedy which you were in an episode. You were great in it, you played a flirty estate agent to Nicholas Lyndhurst character, Gary Sparrow, it was great fun to watch. Loved you in Band of brothers and The Awakening in particular, very powerful dramas, you are a very fine actress and a beautiful lady.
Take care
Tommy (Dublin)
Thanks, Tommy. Yes, it was great fun to make. I see Nicholas Lyndhurst is now in the new Frazier!
Hi Diana,
I watched you in “Morlang” and you were superb. I hope to see you in many more films like “Morlang.”
Hi Morris, thanks for the compliment. “Morlang” was quite an original film — shot mostly in Holland and Ireland. Unfortunately, I don’t often get such interesting scripts sent to me.
Best, Diana
Hi Diana, I’m interested in how casting works. Is it true, that choosing actors to “act” together, can be chosen on how all of you look together, i.e features facially. A bit like when two love interests look compatabile. Goodnight sweetheart gave me this idea, alot of the actors remind me of my social circle/kinship, maybe that’s what draws me to it. Cheers. Daz. P.s hope you don’t think this sounds strange. Lol
Hi Darren,
A lot of factors go into casting and looks are important but resemblance only usually matters if your character is supposed to be related to another — or somebody is playing an older or younger version of somebody else.
For example, in “Brothers of The Head” an actor was cast as a younger version of me. While in “The Last Letter From Your Lover” I was playing an older version of Shailene Woodley.
The only problem with that was I had to wear contact lessons — which I hated because they hurt my eyes!
Bonjour madame Kent (de France). Je suis tombé sur votre site en voulant connaître votre identité. Des épisodes de Barnaby (Midsomer Murders) et Hercule Poirot sont souvent diffusés en France et j’aime bien votre jeu d’actrice. La malédiction du tumulus ou le mystère de Hunter’s Lodge. Quelle élégance! Salutations
Dear Monsieur Sidi,
Thank you for your message and the compliment. I knew they showed “Poirot” and “Midsomer Murders” in America but it’s interesting to hear they’re also showing it in France.
I hope to be visiting your beautiful country later this year to see friends.
best wishes
Hi Diana,
Lovely comedic turn from you in “Goodnight Sweetheart”, which we’ve just been rewatching. The quality of the supporting actors, in shows like this, really make a series work.
We should see more of you on TV today.
Thanks for the laughs.
Hi Tony,
Thanks for getting in touch. Yes, working on “Goodnight Sweetheart” was great fun — a lot of talented people. Interesting to see Nicholas Lyndhurst in “Frasier” now, playing a posh character for once.
As for seeing more of me on tv, I have a small part in “Black Cake” — currently streaming.
Hi, Diana,
Just watched you in a repeat episode of the television series Heartbeat. I’m sorry to have to admit that I hadn’t seen you in anything else prior to this, but the fact is I’m not much for watching television, I’m more of a prolific reader. After watching the episode in question, I found myself on your website and I was so pleased to learn that you are such a passionate lover of animals, a passion I share with you. I would love to know what kind of animals you kept during the time you lived in South Africa, were any of them of the wild variety, lion cubs, etc?
Well, I won’t take up any more of your time, Diana, except to extend my very best wishes to you.
Take care.
Hello Elwyn,
Thanks for your message.
Just ‘wild’ guinea pigs and rabbits — nothing that exotic, I’m afraid. I’ve always loved cats, especially Siamese. I’ve had many as companions over the years but none since my last one died a few years ago. It’s just too sad losing them.
Hello Diana,
Just watched you’re fantastic performance in the Heartbeat episode Gabriel’s Last Stand, you are a beautiful talented lady. Will look out for you in other things such as Midsomer Murders.
Best wishes,
Tony, Wales.
Hello Tony,
Thanks for your message and for the compliment
After “discovering” Midsomer Murders, ( 20 years late...but love the villages and the acting, and the tranquil music as murders abound) just saw you in the Fisher King. I have to check out your other work!
Michael Hardinger
Hi Michael,
Glad you enjoyed ‘Fisher King’ — it seems to get shown a lot!
Dear Ms. Kent,
I thoroughly enjoyed your work in the first episode of Belgravia, playing the Duchess of Richmond in 1815 and then again in 1841. I especially liked how you played opposite Robert Portal, Jeremy Neumark Jones and Tamsin Greig, who I remember fondly from from the TV comedy series “Episodes.” I had hoped that you’d make another appearance at the wedding of your great nephew, “Charles Pope,” in the final episode, but I fear Mr. Fellowes, or the producers, forgot about your character.
Wow, you’ve played “Mary Tyrone.” Much respect. I know the authors and plays are different, but my mother once made me green with envy when she told me she’d seen the legendary performance of Laurette Taylor as “Amanda Wingfield” in “The Glass Menagerie,” and “Mary Tyrone” is another one of the great roles in the American theater.
Best wishes,
Charles K. Alexander II
Dear Charles,
So glad you enjoyed “Belgravia.” Thanks for letting me know. It’s always interesting to play real people (I’ve acted a few over the years) because there’s usually a lot of background information available on your character.
Yes, Mary Tyrone was a challenge but one I was grateful to be given. Strange to think that we almost didn’t get to see O’Neill’s play because it was so personal!
Very best,
Dear Diana,
I hope you’re well. We met a while ago on the set of Brothers of the Head…You were so kind and patient answering my questions about your time working on the wonderful Heavenly Creatures!
Sending you all my best wishes,