Film Credits

2020 Sophie Morris The Voice of Sin
Toho Co Nobuhiro Doi
2019 Older Jennifer Last Letter From Your Lover
Blueprint Pictures Augustine Frizell
2019 General Engell Star Wars: R of Skywalker
LucasFilm J.J. Abrahams
2013 Madame Michaud Suite Francaise
Weinstein Co Saul Dibb
2012 Hope A Long Way Down Film 4 Pascal Chaumeil
2011 Sophie’s Mum Turn Out DP Films Lee Sales
2010 Mrs Cope One Day Focus Features Lone Scherfig
2010 Harriet The Awakening Origin Pictures Nick Murphy
2007 Rachel Petkoff How to Lose Friends &
Alienate People
Alienate Ltd Bob Weide
2004 Laura Brothers of the Head Marlin Films Lou Pepe, Richard Fulton
2001 Ellen Morlang Phantavision Chebo Tjeeno
2000 Tutor Billy Elliot BBC Films Stephen Daldry
1997 Party Companion Wings of A Dove Miramax Ian Softley
1993 Hilda Heavenly Creatures Wingnut Films Peter Jackson


Directed by Lone Scherfig. Produced by Focus Pictures and Film 4 2011. A love story that fol­lows two char­ac­ters through the dec­ades until they finally real­ise they are meant to be togeth­er.

Cast included: Anne Hathaway, Jim Sturgess, Rafe Spall

Diana played MRS COPE, a social­ite moth­er of an unsuit­able girl­friend.


Directed by Nick Murphy. Produced by the BBC 2011. A ghost story set in the 1920’s at an English boys board­ing school.

Cast included: Rebecca Hall, Dominic West, Imelda Staunton

Diana played HARRIET CATHCART, the moth­er of Rebecca Hall’s char­ac­ter.


Directed by Robert Weide. Produced by Number 9 Films 2008. A com­edy based on Toby Young’s auto­bi­o­graph­ic­al book about a brash British journ­al­ist in America.

Cast included: Simon Pegg, Kirsten Dunst, Jeff Bridges

Diana played a cameo role as RACHEL PETKOFF, an act­ress attempt­ing to make a comeback and unre­cog­nised by every­one except the hero.


Directed by Keith Fulton, Louis Pepe. Produced by Film 4, 2005. A “mock­u­ment­ary” style fea­ture film about con­joined sia­mese twins who become a rock act at the time of punk music.

Cast included: Harry and Luke Treadaway, Sean Harris, Jonathan Pryce

Diana played LAURA ASHWORTH, a journ­al­ist, look­ing back on the days when she was involved with the twins. All of her scenes were impro­vised to give them authen­ti­city.


Directed by Tjebbo Penning. Produced by Petra Goedings for Phanta Vision, 2003. A thrill­er about an artist who is being black­mailed by his dead wife’s former lov­er.

Cast included: Susan Lynch, Paul Freeman

Diana played ELLEN, a woman who believes she is dying of a brain tumour and makes a sui­cide pact with her hus­band (Paul Freeman).


Directed by Peter Jackson. Produced by Wingnut Productions, 1993, and filmed in New Zealand. Based on the true story of a 1950’s murder in New Zealand when two fif­teen year old girls killed one of their moth­ers.

Cast included: Clive Merrison, Kate Winslet, Melanie Lynskey

Diana played HILDA HULME, the upper class, self-centred moth­er of Kate Winslet.

Short Films

Another Woman

Made in 1987, the cred­its for this short film fea­tur­ing Diana and the late Morag Hood have been lost but the per­form­ances are still subtle and inter­est­ing.


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