Recent television

2023 Wanda Black Cake Harpo Films Tara Nicole Weyr
2019 Duchess of Richmond Belgravia Carnival Film John Alexander
2018 Charlotte MotherFatherSon BBC James Kent
2017 Blanche Holby City BBC Jan Baur
2017 Lady Rose Father Brown BBC Piotr Szkopiak
2014 Helena Finding Jesus Nutopia/ CNN Nick Green
2014 Penny The Missing BBC Tom Shankland
2013 Isobel Undeniable ITV John Strickland
2013 Jacqui Whitechapel Carnival Film & TV John East
2012 Jemima MI High
Kudos Adrian McDowell
2012 Karina Switch Touchpaper TV Tom Marshall
2011 Rose World Without End Tandem Productions Michael Caton-Jones
2011 Eleanor Widener The Titanic Deep Indigo Jon Jones
2008 Margaret King Margaret Gt Meadows James Kent
2007 Helen Messiah V Gt Meadows Harry Bradbeer
2007 Marie Williams Silent Witness BBC Brendan Maher
2006 Alice Manning Death Becomes Him BBC John Greening
2005 Lady Essex Elizabeth 1 Company Pictures Tom Hooper
2005 Sarah New Tricks Wall to Wall Paul Seed
2004 Barbara Armstrong Holby City BBC Audrey Cooke
2004 Fiona Aserton Bombshells Shed Productions Jim Loach
2003 Ellen Vassuer Murder Squad Granada TV Ashley Pearce
2003 Ann Heldman Midsommer Murders Bentley Productions Richard Holthouse
2003 Mrs Walshe Ultimate Force II Bentley Productions Jeremy Webb
2001 Mrs Lamb Band of Brothers Dreamworks Mikael Salomon
2000 Mrs Nickelby Nicolas Nickelby Company TV Stephen Whittaker
1996 Alison Crossing The Floor Hat Trick Films Guy Jenkin
1995 Jane Mansfield Goodnight Sweetheart Alomo Productions Robin Nash


Miniseries scrip­ted by Chris Lang and dir­ec­ted by John Strickland about a woman who recog­nises the man who murdered her par­ent when she was a child.

Cast included: Claire Goose, Peter Firth

Diana played ISOBEL HENDRIE, a woman strug­gling to come to terms with an abus­ive rela­tion­ship


Miniseries scrip­ted by Julian Fellowes about the ill-fated liner. Directed by Julian Fellowes and Jon Jones.

Cast included: Peter McDonald, Perdita Weeks, David Calder, Celia Imrie, Linus Roache.

Diana played ELEANOR WIDENER, an American social­ite and real-life char­ac­ter. The shoot saw her reunited with Linus Roache, a friend from the ‘Seaforth’ series.


Miniseries pro­duced by Company Pictures for Channel 4 and released by HBO in the US where it won three Golden Globes. Directed by Tom Hooper.

Cast included: Helen Mirren, Jeremy Irons, Hugh Dancy, Toby Jones.

The story of Elizabeth’s intim­ate life and her polit­ic­al maneouv­er­ings filmed in Lithuania on care­fully built peri­od sets. Diana played LADY ESSEX, an ambi­tious noble­wo­man.


BBC drama series 2005 to 2006. Directed by Paul Seed, Robert Bangura.

Cast included: Amanda Redman, James Bolam, Dennis Waterman.

Diana played SARAH LAVIN, a psy­chi­at­rist, in a couple of epis­odes.


Bentley Productions 2004. Ep: “The Fisher King” Directed by Richard Holthouse

Cast included: John Nettles, Jim Carter, Jane Wymark

Diana played ANNE HELDEMAN, a murder sus­pect.


Miniseries pro­duced by Dreamworks about a com­pany of air­borne infantry in Europe in World War 2. The ‘Carentan’ epis­ode in which Diana appeared was dir­ec­ted by Mikael Salomon.

Cast included: Damian Lewis, Scott Grimes and Ron Livingston.

Diana, in one of very few female roles, played MRS LAMB, a laundress, in an affect­ing scene with Scott Grimes.


Miniseries pro­duced by Hallmark Entertainment (2000). Director: Nick Willing.

Cast included: Jason London, Frank Langella, Dennis Hopper, Derek Jacobi.

Diana played POLYMELE, moth­er of JASON (Jason London), who is forced to marry her hus­band’s wicked broth­er (Dennis Hopper).


ITV Drama Serial (2000); Director: Stephen Whittaker.Adaptation of the clas­sic Charles Dickens nov­el.

Cast included: Charles Dance, James Darcy, Liz Smith, Gregor Fisher.

Diana played MRS NICKLEBY, the excit­able and silly moth­er of the prot­ag­on­ists.



BBC 1996. Written and Directed by Guy Jenkin. Won an Emmy award 1997.

Cast included: Neil Pearson, Tom Wilkinson, Helen Baxendale, Douglas Henshall.

Diana played ALISON HANRATTY, the alco­hol­ic wife of a Tory MP who defects to the oth­er side in this satir­ic­al black com­edy put out just before the 1996 elec­tions.


Episode:Between The Devil And The Deep Blue Sea. Alomo Productions 1993.  Director: Robin Nash.

Cast included: Nicholas Lyndhurst, Victor McGuire, Elizabeth Carling.

Diana played JAYNE MANSFIELD, a man-eat­ing estate agent, as a guest artist in this pop­u­lar tv series about time trav­el­ling. A lot of fun and a chance to show her comed­ic tal­ents.

Other tv highlights

2012 Diana Wilkinson Doctors BBC Alexander Jacobs
2000 Jennifer Bennett Heartbeat Yorkshire Television Gerry Poulson
1998 Dierdra Close Relations BBC Michael Whyte
1997 Ffiona Ormerod The Beggar Bride BBC Dairmuid Lawrence
1995 Patricia Lennox The Vet Ikona Films Moira Armstrong
1991 Diana Seaforth Initial Productions Stuart Burge
1988 Zoe Havering Poirot LWT Renny Rye
1986 Mrs Papadopoulos Palmer Euston Films Keith Washington
1986 Diana Waterfront Beat Mersey TV AJ Quinn
1986 Barbara Capital City Euston Films Dairmuid Lawrence
1981 Diana Bergerac BBC Terry Green


Yorkshire Television 2000 Ep: “Gabriel’s Last Stand.”  Directed by Gerry Poulson.

Cast included: Joanna David, William Russell, Derek Fowlds

Diana played JENNIFER BENNET, the mis­tress of a loc­al rich man.


Drama seri­al. BBC 1997. Directed: Dairmuid Lawrence.

Cast included: Keeley Hawes, Nicholas Jones, Joe Duttine.

Diana played FFIONA OMEROD, a louche divor­cee of a rich busi­ness­man with a gift for exploit­ing media atten­tion.


Drama seri­al. Produced by Initial films 1991. Written by: Peter Ransley. Directed by Stuart Burge.

Cast included: Lia Williams, Linus Roche, Ciaran Hinds.

Diana played DIANA STACEY, the spoiled wife of a suc­cess­ful north­ern busi­ness­man who has an affair with the hero.


Ep: The Mystery of Hunter’s Lodge 1988. Directed by Renny Rye.

Cast included: David Suchet, Bernard Horsfall, Jim Norton, Shaughan Seymour.

Diana played ZOE HAVERING, a murderess who imper­son­ates her fic­tion­al house­keep­er. This “second” role required a west of Ireland accent and some eer­ie pros­thet­ic teeth.


Ep: “Warriors”. Directed by: Terry Green, 1981.

Cast included: John Nettles, Oona Kirsch, Eamonn Walker, Ursula Howells.

Diana played DIANA, a flaky mem­ber of a strange sect who believe in the exist­ence of Atlantis. She is con­vinced that she and Bergerac have been lov­ers in a past life.


Produced by Euston Films 1986. Director: Keith Washington. Series fea­tur­ing Ray Winstone as a private eye.

Cast included: Ray Winstone, Dora Bryan.

Diana played MRS PAPADOPOULOS, a Greek woman who has had her child kid­napped by her ‘bru­tal’ hus­band.

Selected commercials

Cadbury’s Finger of Fudge 1984

Mastercard Priceless 1994

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